Friday, February 27, 2015

Garden Trend 2015

Easy to care for, low maintenance, un-fussy,
great texture and color.
Must be able to thrive outdoors in summer and indoors all winter.

Which plant do you think could answer this personal ad?

Friday, February 20, 2015

Please Be Nice to the Bees

Bees are beneficial insects that we want in our garden.
Do you actually know why you NEED them?

Monday, February 9, 2015

TAKE 2 Why do you garden? An Interactive Forum with a Give Away

Last week's contest/drawing was a bust.
We really wondered why there were no comments, 
then discovered,  much to our chagrin,
 that everyone was being given the 'run around' and couldn't comment.

Apologies to all.  
We're trying this again with instructions at the end of the post on how to comment
 and are keeping our fingers crossed that this time it works:
There are as many reasons to garden
as there are gardeners.
What are your reasons?

Friday, February 6, 2015

Longer days mean we are longing for spring

We're all (it can't just be us) suffering from a full-blown
case of cabin fever now.
Seems like it's too far away to even think about gardening.
May we suggest a few 'action items' to prepare
for the upcoming season and 
make the time go faster?