Thursday, April 16, 2015

Like Sands Through the Hourglass....

 Don't miss this thrilling episode of
As Gracie's Plant Works Turns  
for an update on what's new and happening........

Patty and I are Young and Restless, always looking to support local businesses,
and especially those businesses that are women-owned.

We are very, very pleased to be offering
 from Virginia, Minnesota in our gift shop this spring!!

 These soaps are exquisite.

And, because you only have One Life to Live, you should spoil yourself with
handcrafted soap in the bath and shower.

In addition to the glorious combinations of essential oils, each bar is as pretty as a picture,
hand-wrapped, and topped with a variety of botanicals by Brenna Kohlhase.

The calendula, rose, delphinium, and other floral petals and herbs are harvested
 from plants grown in Brenna's own organic back yard.

Brenna is blending a special line of soaps especially for us,
and what fun we had selecting the combinations of fragrance and colors!
All of these specialty soaps are hand made on the Range, and the custom botanical blends
we have chosen will be available only at Gracie's Plant Works.   
One of our favorites, and one of Brenna's signature soaps is

Photo by B. Kohlhase

...a blend of sweet black sugar, patchouli essential oil, mandarin with dark chocolate and vanilla rose. Sweet, deep and romantic fragrance. Real rose petals on top. Super fatted with shea and cocoa butter.

There will be a
Gracie's Gardener's Scrub
scented with grapefruit, lemon verbena, lavender, and rosemary essential oils
and ground apricot pits for the 'scrub'.

Photo by B. Kohlhase


We are commissioning a Sweet Earth Koko Butter in honor of
Patty's sweet Boykin Spaniel, Koko.

Photo courtesy of B. Kohlhase


An Almond Oat Bender Bar for Patty's little
Jack Russel sidekick, Bender.


A special Patty's Patchouli Blend of
patchouli, cedarwood, and lavender essential oils topped
with a swirl of rusty mica.

Photo courtesy of B. Kohlhase


A Kathy's Floral Fantasy Blend made with essential oils of
lavender, ylang ylang, patchouli, orange, clove, and eucalyptus.

Photo courtesy of B. Kohlhase

We will have 8 soap varieties this spring.
will be deciding if you will actually give any
away as gifts or keep them for yourself.

Rub a dub dub,
Kathy and Patty


  1. HOw can we order them, and what are the prices?

  2. The soaps are $6.99 each plus tax. If you are local, you can pick up the soap, if you're out of town, we could ship and charge what it costs us to mail.

    To order, please contact Kathy at or by phone 218-365-0055.

    Thanks for checking in with us!
