Friday, April 22, 2016

Purple Rain, Purple Rain

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today,
to understand this herb

called lavender, and make tribute
to The Purple One.
Lavender is an easy to grow herb;
its needs are few, and it gives so much more than it takes.

It doesn't ask for fertilization, or high maintenance care regimens.
All lavender wants is full sun, 
and exceptional drainage.

Here's my lavender bed, planted in gravel.
Seriously.  That much drainage.
Keep it high and dry.

In fact, the more you ignore lavender, 
the more it rewards you with blooms and fragrance.
Ain't no particular herb I'm more compatible with.

You can grow lavender in a pot, 
so long as there is a hole in the bottom and plenty
of gravel/rocks at the bottom so the roots don't
die 4 you.

This is the stage in flower production when you harvest.
Don't allow the flowers to open for more fragrance in your dried buds.

Cut the stems, hang UPSIDE DOWN (for straight, upright finished stems)
 in an area with 
good air circulation for a few weeks.

Your lavender sprigs will retain their scent for at least a year,
I've had sprigs retain scent for as many as five years.

If you strip the buds, keep them in a dry, dark area away from
light -- and keep them covered to prevent dust accumulation.

Lavender is a powerful pollinator attractant.
When it's flowering, the bees
party like it's 1999.
It does not have any insect predators.
It's one of the easiest herbs to grow,
and the most rewarding.
Let's go crazy and plant some!

Feeling anxious?
Drag your hand through the lavender as you pass,
lavender is a well-known anti-anxiety remedy.

Can't sleep?
Put an organza bag of lavender buds inside your pillowcase
(or a drop of lavender essential oil)
for a restful night.

Cut yourself?  Bug Bite? Burn yourself?
Essential oil of lavender is one of nature's best wound treatments.

Tick season?
Essential oil of lavender is a reliable, non-toxic insect repellent.
(It's also safe for use on your pets.)

Lavender is wonderful for culinary use,
either as a rub with salt and pepper for beef,
lavender ice cream, lavender in iced tea or cocktails, 
lavender with honey drizzled on roasted peaches...
get the drift?
My mother, sister, and I visited the Sunshine Lavender Farm in Sequim, Washington
a few years ago.  So much lavender, we were DELIRIOUS.

And, goodnight, sweet Prince.


  1. Is lavender grown as an annual in the Ely area?

    1. Generally speaking, yes. But lavender plants (except for the Spanish types) can survive for several years with good snow cover and proper drainage. I'm going on 6 years for some of my lavender plants, but wouldn't guarantee how long they'll live without fail in Zone 3 (Ely). The good news is they'll bloom the first year.

  2. Ah, I love your dedication to Prince and your creative blog.
