Friday, March 31, 2017

The Biggest Trend in 2017

Make no mistake,
THE biggest trend for 2017 is

planting to attract pollinators.
So, without further ado, we want to introduce a new 'product'
we have created to make your garden/yard a beacon for pollinators.

We're calling them "Gardens to Go",
and they are specially selected perennial plants
to attract butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds.

There are selections for full sun, part sun/part shade, and full shade.

There are selections for rain gardens and rock gardens. 

In fact, the 2017 perennial of the year is Asclepias tuberosa, or milkweed.

Lest you doubt that this is really a trend,

For the first time, the US Fish and Wildlife has 
declared a bee species as endangered.

Cheerios has joined the nationwide effort
by raising awareness with Buzz Bee. 
They've launched a campaign called 
and have pledged to send out
100 MILLION packets of wildflower seeds.

Pollinator week is coming up - won't you please
join the other gardeners in Ely to help create habitat 
for our six legged friends?

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