Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Second Annual Container Planting Class

The first container planting class
was such a fun event, that
we're doing it again this spring!

The lovely Alisha Asleson,
to whom we fondly refer to as Lish,
will be doing 
Containers 2.0 on the Saturday of 
Mother's Day weekend 2018.

We'll cover the basics, but then will
branch out into planting for the senses:

what is pleasing to your eyes

smell and taste
adding herbs in annual containers

how to incorporate plants for texture 

The rules are simple:
You can bring your own pot or pots, or choose a new pot from our
huge selection.  Maybe something old or re-purposed to add
a wabi sabi element to your patio.
As long as the dirt stays in and the water drains out, you're good to go.

We recommend and have Pro Mix soil-less potting media and 
Proven Winners controlled release fertilizer available for purchase, too.

We'll have a broad selection of annuals from which to choose:
for full sun, part sun/part shade, or full shade.
You may want to bring a notebook and a pen, garden gloves 
if you have a new manicure, and lots of enthusiasm and questions.

The class is FREE, but

To register for the class and reserve your spot, 
click the link below and indicate how many will be in your party.
We'll determine how many seminars we will hold based on response.

Click here to register

or email Kathy at graciesgarden@snowbanklake.com

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