Friday, February 23, 2018

New This Year

Want a little taste of
what's new this year?

 There's a lot going on this spring,
and we don't want you to miss out on the new things
we've added.  Here's a sneak peek....

Fuchsia 'Giant Blacky'
is a show-stopper!

How about PINK Lily of the Valley?
Hardy to zone 2, and a beautiful addition to the shade garden.

Foxtail fern - add this to containers for 
amazing texture, then bring it in the house for the winter.

Mini Orchids called 'Just Add Ice'
Easy to care for and a posh addition to your houseplant collection.

Lemon Cypress - super cute added to a container of annuals.

Purple Stella d'oro reblooming daylilies.

Varied Direction Larch (Tamarack)
Adds interest as a specimen plant, and needles turn a glorious gold in the fall.

Tauton Yew - finally a Yew for zone 3!

A whole new section featuring Minnesota native plants.

Strawberry - fragraria 'Lipstick' - a red blooming strawberry
hardy to zone 2 that blooms all summer and produces tasty berries.

Zauschneria 'Orange Carpet' - perennial fuchsia that will
swarm with hummingbirds.

Clematis 'Mrs N Thompson' just takes your breath away.
Then, there are the the tall German Iris....

Iris 'Bernice's Legacy'
Iris 'Blatant'

Set aside a couple of hours this spring for
a relaxing stroll through Gracie's and take it all in!

1 comment:

  1. After all these tantalizing photos ... you're opeing this week, right? ;)
