Friday, January 18, 2019

From Wild to WOW!

Gracie's Landscaping jobs were
both a lot of fun and a lot of work
this past summer.....
I had a several incredible opportunities
with amazing clients.

On this project, we started with a relatively blank palate.
The challenge was to convert a wild yard into
a lakeshore oasis.  It was a thrill to work with this incredibly beautiful 
piece of paradise and its huge rock outcrops.

 Painting the outlines of the proposed planting beds.


Stumps to be removed, rocks to be relocated.

  Preparing the beds....


 12 pallets (60 rolls/pallet) of sod....

 500 bags of mulch

 Lovin' what we do!

Hundreds of hostas, ferns, and perennials were planted.

 Native shrubs interspersed with flowering perennials for wildlife and pollinators.

 Native buffer zone along the lakeshore.

 Mother Nature provided a perfect backdrop for the hostas.

 Cherry trees, 

 white hydrangeas and white roses will contrast nicely with the black mulch.

 Junipers will soon cascade over the rock wall.

 Native Blue Flag Iris planted along a disturbed area of shoreline
to mitigate erosion.

 Shade loving hostas, pulmonaria, and ferns
 Perennials and native grasses in a bed flanking the shoreline.

 Perennials in blues and whites.

Whaddya think?  Is this from wild to wow?


  1. Looks great. I guess the owners wanted all that grass instead of a ground cover.

  2. Loads of work Kathy, I'm sure a few tylenol for the back too. Thanks for sharing. It looks great
