Friday, February 15, 2019

2019 Color of the Year

Every year,
Pantone declares a 
color of the year....

Are you hip to it?

Living Coral is described as an animating and life-affirming coral hue with 
a golden undertone that energizes and enlivens with a softer edge.  
Well, with that flowery language, we need to look at coral colored blooms!

First off in the perennial category is Coral Charm Peony.

One of my favorite peonies, Coral Charm is hardy in Zone 3, deer-proof, and long lived.
You can read more about peonies HERE

Another favorite coral-colored beauty is
OSO Easy Hot Paprika Rose
also hardy in Zone 3.

 Heuchera, also known as Coral Bells, has to be on the list, but 
is not reliably hardy in Zone 3.

 Hollyhocks, timeless and beloved outhouse flowers, and there are loads of 
daylilies in coral, peach, and salmon shades.

 Persian Market
 South Seas

Congo Coral.

Moving into flowering annuals, 
geraniums come in coral colors such as Rocky Mountain Salmon...

...and since orange petunias have been taken off of the market, 
there are lots of annuals and tropicals with coral colored blossoms.

 Angallis 'Wildcat Mandarin'

Lovely tropical hibiscus

Lush begonias come in lots of colors, including coral.

 Fuchsia 'Giant Orange King' combines lovely orange/coral with bright pink.

 Petunia 'Supercal Cinnamon' is new this year...

...while 'Peach' Moss Roses have been around for ever, 
as have

coral colored Gerbera Daisies.

No excuse to not be trendy with your flowers this year,
there are plenty of choices.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the opportunity to start thinking SPRING! Flowers! These are lovely...
