Friday, March 29, 2019

Just When You Thought You'd Seen Everything

How's this for a funky cactus?

Or this?

I stumbled across these gloriously strange cacti last summer,
and fell immediately in love with them.

I have two of them planted in a box on my windowsill, and
no one, I mean NO ONE, can go without a comment on 
these weird and wonderful specimens.

Cristate, or crested cacti are a result of damage, such as a lighting strike or freeze damage
as illustrated by this giant Suguaro crest.
This looks to me like a Vegas showgirl version of a saguaro.

Or, is maybe it isn't a result of damage? Cactus live in the southwestern United States,
Roswell, New Mexico is in the southwestern US.  Hmmmm.

Draw your own conclusions.

Read more at Gardening Know How: What Is Brain Cactus: Cristata Information And Care

Read more at Gardening Know How: What Is Brain Cactus: Cristata Information And Care
Mammillaria elongata ‘Cristata’ is also colorfully named the brain cactus due to its convoluted and sinuous growth. One of the more bizarre pieces of Cristata information is how the shape occurs. The form is a result of damage to the plant when it is young. The cells at the injury site go crazy and multiply at a far faster rate than normal. This causes the twisted nature of the pads.

Read more at Gardening Know How: What Is Brain Cactus: Cristata Information And Care
Actually, smaller specimens of Cristata cacti are intentionally damaged when young by the grower to manipulate the shape. The cells at the injury site go crazy and multiply at a far faster rate than normal. This causes the twisted nature of the pads.

Mammillaria elongata ‘Cristata’ is also colorfully named the brain cactus due to its convoluted and sinuous growth. One of the more bizarre pieces of Cristata information is how the shape occurs. The form is a result of damage to the plant when it is young. The cells at the injury site go crazy and multiply at a far faster rate than normal. This causes the twisted nature of the pads.

Read more at Gardening Know How: What Is Brain Cactus: Cristata Information And Care
What's fun about these plants is that no two are exactly the same.

It's fun to have something new and different,
and think that lots of people are on the lookout for
unique and rare plants.

You know you want one
and where you can get it.


  1. Kathy, when are you opening? Yes, I want one - just so long as you can tell me how to keep it alive (brown thumb syndrome).

    1. Good morning! These cactus are so easy - have had mine for almost a year, have watered it only a couple of times, and they can live in low light (I have them in a west window). Cactus is a perfect plant for BTS.

  2. Beautiful pictures and cacti. Thanks for sharing. When do you open?

  3. Opening day will be announced via the blog - look for it in late April. Thanks for checking.
