Friday, March 8, 2019

Oh, Just Contain Yourself!

 Planting containers is one of my favorite things to do
for clients......

Eight identical planters and the customer requested 
a 'riot of color'.  

 Heliotrope, 'Night Sky' petunias, and purple bacopa.

Pink upright verbena, Bubblegum petunias and ivy.

Red geraniums, red calibrachoa, and trailing catmint.

Gomphrena, magenta Sunpatiens, and dichondra.
YES!  You can grow some varieties of impatiens in the full sun.

 Craspedia, jasminoides vines, and yellow calibrachoa.

Lemon Cypress, white Sunpatiens (which thrive in both sun and shade), ferns,
and lysimachia for a shady corner.


Lakeside planters

 A beauty for a shady screen porch.

Lemon Cypress and variegated leaved geraniums for 
this lively lime green pot. 

Ferns and begonias for a shady windowbox. 

The same windowbox gets a fall update.
Cold tolerant pansies, ornamental kale, mums, and asters.

Third change-out of the season for the windowboxes at Lakeshore Liquors.
Guest designer Martine in action!!

We happily plant your containers for you, or can assist you
in selecting the right plants for the right location
to ensure a summertime of pleasure.

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