Thursday, September 17, 2015

Flowering ORE-AY-GAHN-OH

I love how Jamie Oliver pronounces oregano.
Plus, he's so cute!
In late summer, oregano flowers and it's a beautiful pollinator magnet.
And, unlike some herbs, flowering does not diminish the flavor.
A friend recently taught me a fun new way to use it ....

...wrapping it around skewers of garlic lemon marinated chicken, 
peppers, and summer squash.
The oregano in this photo is the flowering Kent oregano
from Gracie's Plant Works this spring.

Girlfriend SS had a little get together for our usual group of three, 
and cooked the skewers in her wood fired outdoor oven.

On the side, she offered a watermelon, feta, and mint salad with
a zippy lime vinaigrette on a butter lettuce leaf grown by the third Musketeer.

Dessert was a flourless brownie flecked with bacon.

The variations are only dictated by your personal taste preferences.
My garden is full of common oregano (vulgare) that is a 
perennial herb in Northeastern Minnesota.
My rendition of her recipe added dill and sesame seeds.

I mimicked SS's method of using bricks on my grill to elevate the skewers and
to keep the tender veg from sticking.

I used freshly harvested garlic from my garden for the marinade.
It's still not too late to get some garlic planted for next year.

The mauve flowers make this a feast for the eyes as well, and the best part is that 
everything was freshly harvested from my garden.  

Onions, squash, peppers, and oregano, and you could use eggplant, too.
Serve on skewers atop a bed of brown rice
for a quick, easy, and delicious meal.

To make the marinade:

juice and zest of one lemon
6 Tsp olive oil
three garlic cloves, crushed
salt and pepper 
dried and fresh herbs according to personal preference

Marinate the chicken and veg in separate bowls for 30 minutes.
Grill and enjoy.

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