Monday, September 14, 2015

Shine on, Harvest Moon

"Come a little bit closer
Hear what I have to say"  
Lyrics from "Harvest Moon" by Neal Young.
We've been hearing from EVERYONE that this year's
harvest was.........


This is why I love the Black and Brown Boar.  Not only is
it early, which is significant for Ely's growing season,
but look at the fruit this baby pumps out!

Insanely productive "Santorini" Greek heirloom tomatoes.
Thanks for the plant to grow in the testing garden, Sandy S!!

Can't wait to see how they produce as grafted plants next year.

 Purple Bumblebee cherry tomatoes.  
Itsy bitsy Black and Brown Boars!
Same look, but very cherry tomato in size.

Another favorite is Wapsipinicon Peach.  A little bit fuzzy, like a peach,
but not in a gross way.  Sweet, low acid, and prolific!

Black Krim.  Yum.

Habanero peppers in Ely?  Yes.

And Jalapenos, too.

Summerdance burpless cucumber.  Have been harvesting
so many people have stopped returning my calls.

One day's harvest from 13 tomato plants.

Now, can we see some photos of this year's 
garden success from YOU please?
Send them to
and we'll feature them in an upcoming post.


  1. Absolutely GORGEOUS looking tomatoes! Hopefully next year I can buy some from you!

    1. We look forward to meeting you! We love meeting our blog followers, so please be sure to introduce yourself when you come to Gracie's next spring!!
      Kathy and Patty

  2. As I looked at your first photo, which you called Black and Brown Boars (which I grew, and loved, last year, but which were more elongated), I thought "Those look exactly like my Purple Bumblebees." Then, further down where you have the photo of Purple Bumblebees, it looks like exactly the same tomatoes on the same vine that you labeled as the Boars. At any rate, I am LOVING the Purple Bumblebees I got from you this year, as well as the Blush tomatoes. They withstood huge hail with minimal damage (because of such leafy tops), and came back to produce well, even after a degree of carnage. Definitely I'll grow these two again. Thanks!

    1. Hi Consie!
      You are correct, I put the same photo up twice. Mea culpa. The fruit look so similar that I grabbed the wrong file! Will correct that, and am glad you caught it!

      The Black and Brown Boars are more elongated and would be considered a slicing tomato, while the Purple Bumblebees are definitely more cherry-size.

      Thanks for keeping me on my toes :-)
