Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Garden Trend for 2016

People are always asking
"What's the new trend going to be next year?"

Would you like to know?

THE biggest, hottest, trendiest thing you can do in your gardens 
 is to plant a pollinator garden.

The bees

and the butterflies
will thank you.  
Your neighbors will, too.

It will be your own "Field of Dreams".
If you plant it, they will come.
Remember the SWEET REWARDS post? 

Of course, along with butterflies come caterpillars.
Don't go squishing them unless you KNOW they are not
going to grow up to become friends of the garden.

Another thing you must remember is that these caterpillars
are going to eat some of the plants in your pollinator garden.  
That's just part of the deal.

For more info, click HERE


and HERE

Another hot trend for 2016?
 It's growing edibles.  Aw, go on, really?

 A great number of Gracie's customers have been growing their
own food for decades.

We have been talking about attracting beneficials
and companion planting for as long as we have been in business. 

Ely gardeners have planted milkweeds by the score.
Now that everybody's jumping on the bandwagon, it's being called a trend.
Doesn't it feel rewarding to know you
are a 'cutting edge' gardener?

So, as we embark on our 6th year in business,
we thank you all for your support and loyalty.

We thank you for trusting us and being able to see the future with us.

Patty and I wish you the Merriest Christmas
and Happiest Holidays.

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