Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Garden Trend for 2016

People are always asking
"What's the new trend going to be next year?"

Would you like to know?

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Sweet Rewards

It's not often that we do something 
and receive nearly instant gratification......

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Flowering ORE-AY-GAHN-OH

I love how Jamie Oliver pronounces oregano.
Plus, he's so cute!
In late summer, oregano flowers and it's a beautiful pollinator magnet.
And, unlike some herbs, flowering does not diminish the flavor.
A friend recently taught me a fun new way to use it ....

Monday, September 14, 2015

Shine on, Harvest Moon

"Come a little bit closer
Hear what I have to say"  
Lyrics from "Harvest Moon" by Neal Young.
We've been hearing from EVERYONE that this year's
harvest was.........

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Time to Relax

Gracie's Plant Works 

End of the Season SALE will be

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Nursery Rhymes

 Nursery rhymes are for babies.
But.  They also can work for nurseries like Gracie's Plant Works.

Do you know why?

Friday, May 15, 2015

Critical Watering Stages of Veg Crops

Careful attention paid to your watering regimens will yield
much better results.  With vegetable crops, critical watering times

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

To-MAY-to, To-MAH-to, let's figure the whole thing out

Do you know what to look for and how to read the tags
on those baby tomato plants?

To the new gardener, tomato tags can read like hieroglyphics. 
MAT,  Beefsteak, VFN,  'DET' and OP or F1.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Special Invitation

A special invitation to our newsletter members and our Facebook followers.......

Thursday, April 23, 2015

'Legacy' Fruits and Vegetables

Think you have to purchase new plants for your garden
every year?  Invest in a few of these, then sit back
and watch the groceries grow.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Hydroponic Lettuce Again in Ely!

All of us missed Paul Hedrick and his exceptional hydroponic produce
at the Farmers' Market last summer.  

We are pleased to be able to say that Paul has
recovered from his surgery and.........

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Like Sands Through the Hourglass....

 Don't miss this thrilling episode of
As Gracie's Plant Works Turns  
for an update on what's new and happening........

Friday, April 10, 2015

The Wonderful World of Tomatoes

Tomatoes come in all shapes, sizes, and colors.

The smallest are called 'currant' tomatoes, and are indeed tiny.
White Currant, Red Currant, Matt's Wild Cherry are a few popular varieties.

Friday, March 27, 2015

The latest on Neonicitinoids

Do you think you have been avoiding neonicitinoids
in order to save the honeybees?
Photo by Kansas State University
Here's what you need to know about this emotionally charged topic.....

Friday, March 20, 2015

Do You Know What You Are Buying?

Happy First Day of SPRING!!!

Thinking of throwing in the towel (trowel?) because what you've
tried hasn't worked?  Please don't!!!

We'll help you get back in the ring and avoid disappointment this summer and next by......

Friday, March 13, 2015

How to Choose Healthy Seedlings

The most important part of growing is the day you visit the garden center 
and select what you are going to plant.  

Are you going to get a 'leg up' on the season or will you 
end up with 'leggy' seedlings that don't perform?

Friday, March 6, 2015

Springtime Tease

Hooray for springtime and for Daylight Savings Weekend!
Don't forget to SPRING AHEAD one hour on Saturday night.

The crew at Gracie's is in full springtime production mode, so we thought we'd share a few photos from last year's growing season as a peek into the inside of a growing greenhouse.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Garden Trend 2015

Easy to care for, low maintenance, un-fussy,
great texture and color.
Must be able to thrive outdoors in summer and indoors all winter.

Which plant do you think could answer this personal ad?

Friday, February 20, 2015

Please Be Nice to the Bees

Bees are beneficial insects that we want in our garden.
Do you actually know why you NEED them?

Monday, February 9, 2015

TAKE 2 Why do you garden? An Interactive Forum with a Give Away

Last week's contest/drawing was a bust.
We really wondered why there were no comments, 
then discovered,  much to our chagrin,
 that everyone was being given the 'run around' and couldn't comment.

Apologies to all.  
We're trying this again with instructions at the end of the post on how to comment
 and are keeping our fingers crossed that this time it works:
There are as many reasons to garden
as there are gardeners.
What are your reasons?

Friday, February 6, 2015

Longer days mean we are longing for spring

We're all (it can't just be us) suffering from a full-blown
case of cabin fever now.
Seems like it's too far away to even think about gardening.
May we suggest a few 'action items' to prepare
for the upcoming season and 
make the time go faster?

Friday, January 30, 2015

Why Do You Garden? An interactive forum

There are as many reasons to garden
as there are gardeners.
What are your reasons?

Monday, January 26, 2015

Are You a Good Bug or a Bad Bug?

Doubtless everyone is aware that there are good bugs
and bad bugs.  Just like the witches in The Wizard of Oz. 
There are lots of beneficials that pollinate our gardens and 
the bad bugs.
 But, do you know how to attract them and KEEP them in your garden?

Friday, January 23, 2015

The "it" color for 2015

In order to keep up with the current trends,
we in the horticulture business look to the fashion
industry for cues as to what is going to be this year's "IT" color.


Saturday, January 3, 2015

Planning is part of the Journey


The rush and hubbub of the holidays is past,
it's officially time to begin dreaming of spring.
The days are getting longer now, and our bodies
can sense the shift from dark to light.

Oh, I know there's a winter storm forecast for this weekend,
 it's snowing to beat the band at the moment,
and the temperature forecast for the week is anything but pleasant.
It's the perfect time to grab those seed catalogs that have been
filling your mailboxes and start dreaming
of planting and growing this year!
Gardening is a journey.

The physical acts alone are not all there is to it.
Allow yourself to include the planning and the dreaming
as part of that same journey and perhaps you'll enjoy it that much more.

I always plan what I am going to grow.
There are vegetables that we love, and some that we tried but
don't want to repeat.  Don't use valuable garden space
for vegetables that you won't eat.

The next step should be to plan how much to grow.
When I was growing for market, the number of rows
required is dramatically different than growing to have
enough for the two of us and to share with neighbors.

Consider your plans for utilizing what you plant.
For example, do you want enough tomatoes for the table
or are you hoping to do some preserving next fall?
Be sure to calculate how many tomato plants
and what type for your table and the salsa canning party,  then
don't forget the onions, peppers, and papaloquelite.

Finally, but the most important reason to plan, is the location and  
where each variety of veg will be planted.  

Always take care to rotate crops, as different crops
have varying nutritional requirements.
If you plant the same crop in the same location every year,
you will end up with a patch of your garden in which
the soil has been depleted of the nutrients
required by that same crop. 
A perfect example is the monoculture of
industrial agriculture.  If you plant corn in the same field
every year, the fertilizer requirements will be high.
The conventional wisdom on my grandfather's farm was always to plant 
corns and beans in rotation, 
as beans fix nitrogen in the soil, thus
providing for the high nitrogen requirements of the following 
year's corn crop.  This isn't to say that you won't need to
amend with compost, but you will need less.

This photo in early 2013 shows tomatoes planted in the bed on the left, and
beans in the middle bed.  By no coincidence, the layout for 2014
was tomatoes in the center bed and beans and cabbage in the left bed.

(Incidentally, this photo was taken after the tomatoes had been
removed and a cover crop of organic buckwheat had been sown.)

By rotating crops to different locations each season,
 you'll be sure to not deplete the soil of nutrients.
But, there's more.
You won't encourage disease, as many diseases are soil borne
and affect different plants.  Growing leeks where tomatoes were
last year will not provide a host for tobacco mosaic virus, that is 
death for tomatoes, but doesn't affect leeks.  See?

And, crop rotation will improve soil tilth, or texture and structure.
Plant carrots or daikon radish in the location this year, 
and your potatoes the following year will be bigger and
more regularly shaped, as the strong roots of the carrots and 
daikons will have broken up the soil and aerated it nicely.

Soil tilth is an extremely complex subject, but one that
successful gardeners understand.
For more on soil tilth, read

And finally, please do remember that a small but very nice
selection of organic, heirloom seeds from High Mowing Seeds will
 be available again this spring at Gracie's Plant Works
in addition to all of our vegetable and herb starts.
Save postage, buy locally, and get the same
quality and products.

Bon Voyage and happy Journey,
Kathy and Patty